Ayam Cemani cross breeding

posting some of ours, AC roo was with 6 hens,
one was big fatty white halfbreed hen, as she is big and heavy she is a good layer too
other was barred with some yellow tint,
black wyandotte,
brownish mixed breed
black with some white brownish spots not sure about the breed
cream legbar

none of the blue eggs were fertile so no AC x legbar this time.

we have like 14 pure black chickens so i suppose all of 'em should be females, none of 'em are showing any other colour, marks or spots or anything just like pure AC.

two are black with white feathers, posting some pics. should be females too from the white big female.

some are barred roos, they are not purely white with red comb, but it is not black either, something between.

and some are white roos with some darker spots.

none of the babies showing any brown or other colours. i was expecting some other colours we got just tints in grayscale.
IMG_20200706_133540.jpg IMG_20200706_133554.jpg IMG_20200706_133623.jpg IMG_20200706_133644.jpg IMG_20200706_133734.jpg IMG_20200706_133742.jpg
we have like 14 pure black chickens so i suppose all of 'em should be females, none of 'em are showing any other colour, marks or spots or anything just like pure AC.

I’m not sure this is always the case. I have crossed our AC roo with a bunch of different breed hens and 98% of our chicks have been black at hatch, and it’s only as more adult feathering comes in do I see any other colors emerge. yes the cockerels doesn’t tend to get a bit more color- but many have been Very dark, and then some of the pullets have had a bit of almost white lacing to their neck/chest areas.
I’m not sure this is always the case. I have crossed our AC roo with a bunch of different breed hens and 98% of our chicks have been black at hatch, and it’s only as more adult feathering comes in do I see any other colors emerge. yes the cockerels doesn’t tend to get a bit more color- but many have been Very dark, and then some of the pullets have had a bit of almost white lacing to their neck/chest areas.
we will wait for them to grow of course, just was surprised of the missing brown colours, sadly none of the cream legbar egg was fertile, not sure why. We have hatched several cream legbar crosses this year from other roos.
I recently let a broody Blue Australorp sit on 6 eggs, and the rooster is an AC. By the color and size of the eggs, I know 2 were the Blue Aust., 2 were Sicilian buttercup, one silver laced wyondott, one barred rock. Still waiting on the Wyandott and the BR egg to hatch, but the other are 1-7 days old now, all look similar but the buttercups are tiny, of course. I’ll post pics in a few days. So far pleased with my first attempt at hatching eggs.
I let my broody Blue Australorp sit on a six egg clutch; rooster is AC. 4 hatched, all survived. Ended up with 3 roos; 1 was Australorp, the other two Sicilian Buttercup, and one hen, also from a buttercup egg. Pretty cool looking chickens. The 3 roo’s were crowing at around 7 weeks, as soon as I had them in the kids coop.
Well, if anyone wanted to know what an Ayam Cemani roo over a Cornish X hen looks like...

Well, here you are.

NOT what I was expecting.

I only have one roo, and only one of my hens was laying at the time lol. Sooooo yep.

Your boy must only have a single fibro gene. Interested to see if any other chicks come out with the dark skin! Or how they feather out! Sadly, I'll never be able to see how mine come out. Our flock was hit with coccidiosis and I lost my avatar boy. It didn't present the way it usually does...and none of the affected birds had the tell-tale stool. In fact, the one I'm treating right now in my kitchen had normal stool until 2 days into treatment. I was so perplexed as there were weeks in between birds passing and they continued to eat. We had firework debris from a neighbor rain down on our yard so we thought they'd been poisoned. I had the state come out and test our birds and do necropsies on 2 of them as a result. I'm still waiting on final results but preliminary results indicate coccidia burden. I'm heartbroken. I have Corid on hand at all times but because they were eating and had normal stool, I ruled out coccidiosis early on. Lesson learned. Not everything is textbook. In the future, I'll get fecals right away no matter how normal droppings look :'( I miss my boy..
I've never had a chicken love me as much as he did 💔
I guess Cornish x must be dominant white then. Do they also have the sex linked skin colour?

He does have blueish appearing skin where I can see. Here's a better video:

Your boy must only have a single fibro gene. Interested to see if any other chicks come out with the dark skin! Or how they feather out! Sadly, I'll never be able to see how mine come out. Our flock was hit with coccidiosis and I lost my avatar boy. It didn't present the way it usually does...and none of the affected birds had the tell-tale stool. In fact, the one I'm treating right now in my kitchen had normal stool until 2 days into treatment. I was so perplexed as there were weeks in between birds passing and they continued to eat. We had firework debris from a neighbor rain down on our yard so we thought they'd been poisoned. I had the state come out and test our birds and do necropsies on 2 of them as a result. I'm still waiting on final results but preliminary results indicate coccidia burden. I'm heartbroken. I have Corid on hand at all times but because they were eating and had normal stool, I ruled out coccidiosis early on. Lesson learned. Not everything is textbook. In the future, I'll get fecals right away no matter how normal droppings look :'( I miss my boy..
I've never had a chicken love me as much as he did 💔

I'm so sorry 😞.

I'm going to have fibro eggers, fibro rocks, and these fibro Cornish X out of my two Ayam Cemani roo's next spring. I also picked up two Austrolorp hens this week that I will be breeding to them as well.

Plus I have five BBS Ameraucana roo's, and two Ayam Cemani pullets that'll be breeding age over the winter, and laying solid next spring.

Plus any pure bred birds that might come available.

Depending on when you want to start, we can get you some cool birds to replace what you lost. I'm more than happy to help.
update of our AC chicks, black with white feathers, we have 2 of 'em they looks like females.
white feathered black female same as first pic. barred roo, as you may see the legs and the comb are bit darker, it looks like dirty. and pure black female.
white roo standing alone comb is red but the legs have bluegray tint.

all roosters barred and white are quite heavy, females are much lighter.
He does have blueish appearing skin where I can see. Here's a better video:

I'm so sorry 😞.

I'm going to have fibro eggers, fibro rocks, and these fibro Cornish X out of my two Ayam Cemani roo's next spring. I also picked up two Austrolorp hens this week that I will be breeding to them as well.

Plus I have five BBS Ameraucana roo's, and two Ayam Cemani pullets that'll be breeding age over the winter, and laying solid next spring.

Plus any pure bred birds that might come available.

Depending on when you want to start, we can get you some cool birds to replace what you lost. I'm more than happy to help.
You're so sweet. TY! We live quite a distance from each other but we try to plan one camping trip a year and we really loved Shenandoah in the past. Haven't decided on next year's trip yet but if it takes us in your direction, I might take you up on that offer. TY ❤

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