Ayam Cemani Rooster with white patches in throat and loss of balance


Feb 18, 2018
I tried to get a good picture of what I see in his throat but this is as good as I can get. They are deep in his throat. I tried swabbing the patches off but they do not move. They are white. The picture doesn’t show it clearly but they are somewhat circular like wobbly doughnuts. He can’t seem to sit up right and won’t stand. My husband found him today and I took him inside to hydrate him with electrolytes and probiotics via syringe straight into his crop. What could this be and what else should I do? A fox got to my flock and it’s the only rooster I have left. I would hate to loose him too.

This is how he positions himself when I’m not holding him up. He can move his feet but when I sit him up he leans back on his hock joints and toppled sideways.
Greetings Ayla_noemi,

It would be good if you could take him to see a vet.

It's difficult to know for sure what he has. A vet could look at tissue samples from those growths under a microscope and tell you what he has.

He could have canker or wet pox, or even something else. Treatment is different for both.

I have no experience with canker or wet pox, only what I have read.

If it is canker, which is caused by a protozoa, he will need a specific medication. Until then, you can add ACV (apple cider vinegar), to his drinking water. You can also rinse the infected area with diluted vinegar to keep it from spreading. Never give a chicken full strength vinegar.

With wet pox, treatment is swabbing the sores with betadine daily.

If the chicken is not eating, you'll need to syringe feed him with a bird meal replacement. He needs nourishment if he is going to survive. These sores can spread into his throat preventing him from eating.

Because he is falling over, I am leaning towards the canker. This disease can move slowly or quickly kill him. I highly recommend a vet.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help, perhaps another member with experience, can.

He is a beautiful rooster, I hope he pulls through.

God Bless :)

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