

11 Years
Dec 25, 2008
middle of nowhere Colorado
Just thought I'd drop in and let everyone know that we are just about drowning in turkey and Cochin babies. My Cochins come in Blue, Splash and Black with some that are frizzed. They are related to the winner of National Stock Show poultry division so they really are pretty, pretty birds which I only raise to take care of my baby turkeys. All my Turkeys are Kevin Porter birds mixed with SandS birds. VERY good stock. I love my turks. We have some Bronze (only the hens will be purebred this year so the Toms are for freezer camp only) stock that are BIG and beautiful with all the gorgeous iridescent coloring they are known for. My Bourbons just keep getting better and better. We started with a hatchery bird Tom and one of Kevin's hens. I was a little disappointed because the Bourbon Tom from the hatchery didn't seem to be as big as the APA says he should be. He's three now and he has two sons who are bigger and chestier than he is so I'm putting ol' Rosie out to pasture this year. My Midget Whites are the ones everyone seems to want to buy so I'm running a little low on Whites. My original Whites came from SandS and we bought one of Kevin's whites from another Colorado turkey breeder. These birds are perfect in every way. Absolutely match APA standards and you just gotta love that squatty little walk they have with those big chests.
Anyway, just wanted to put the word out because I'm absolutely sure that we'll sell out at the animal swap in Kiowa this fall although I'm going to be wintering a pretty large number of birds for breeding stock. I just can't seem to make up my mind which ones I am willing to let go.

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