Baby bantam constantly shaking


Aug 4, 2021


I got this baby bantam (maybe 8 weeks old?) from a friend of mine. She(I think it's a she at least), is constantly shaking or trembling, with very weird comb.
She acting very different compared to my other ones that I raised from 2 weeks old. She's always hanging around Majesty (easter egger) I got from my friend as well and luckily she took her under her wing...literally.
Majesty tends to her like her own and chases after the other chickens if they scare her or pick on her. There's a heater light in there just in case but wants nothing to do with it.
Looking at her up close, I don't see any discharge, she eats and drinks normally but that's ONLY if Majesty is around. I'm not sure if she's sick in some way that I don't see or know about. This is my first flock.
Is this normal? Is she perhaps a little different?
View attachment 2800744

View attachment 2800745

I got this baby bantam (maybe 8 weeks old?) from a friend of mine. She(I think it's a she at least), is constantly shaking or trembling, with very weird comb.
She acting very different compared to my other ones that I raised from 2 weeks old. She's always hanging around Majesty (easter egger) I got from my friend as well and luckily she took her under her wing...literally.
Majesty tends to her like her own and chases after the other chickens if they scare her or pick on her. There's a heater light in there just in case but wants nothing to do with it.
Looking at her up close, I don't see any discharge, she eats and drinks normally but that's ONLY if Majesty is around. I'm not sure if she's sick in some way that I don't see or know about. This is my first flock.
Is this normal? Is she perhaps a little different?
I don't know why she might be missing mommy, so that probably isn't the reason. Maybe your friend kept her like a pet, stroked her alot, and gave her treats. Maybe that's why she is bonding with Majesty. I don't know why she would be shaking unless she has malnutrition. Does she feel thin at all?
I don't know why she might be missing mommy, so that probably isn't the reason. Maybe your friend kept her like a pet, stroked her alot, and gave her treats. Maybe that's why she is bonding with Majesty. I don't know why she would be shaking unless she has malnutrition. Does she feel thin at all?
She doesn't seem thin at all, she's gained alittle since we got her. Now how my friend kept them was all together in a broader with 10 other ones roughly her age and wasnt handle as much as we do now. They were all hatched in an incubator. Is there a certain kind of vitamin you could suggest?
She doesn't seem thin at all, she's gained a little since we got her. Now how my friend kept them was all together in a broader with 10 other ones roughly her age and wasn't handle as much as we do now. They were all hatched in an incubator. Is there a certain kind of vitamin you could suggest?
You could try some scratch or scrambled egg to give her some energy. How is the temperature there? It may be because of the stress of moving?
You could try some scratch or scrambled egg to give her some energy. How is the temperature there? It may be because of the stress of moving?
It's been about 2-3 weeks, surely the stress wouldn't last that long? It's been raining or hot and humid lately. (90°F and up). I'll try thr scrambled egg and see how that goes
It's been about 2-3 weeks, surely the stress wouldn't last that long? It's been raining or hot and humid lately. (90°F and up).
I don't think it's any of those, then.
I'll try the scrambled egg and see how that goes
Good! Make sure she's getting water too, if she is only drinking when Majesty is, that probably isn't enough for the hot weather. If she will only drink with Majesty, try to persuade them to drink alot by placing water near them. Water is critical for chickens to have in hot weather.

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