Baby bunny with a broken leg. Please help!!


✝️Christ is everything!
Apr 7, 2022
There is a baby bunny that lives in our yard, I see it every day. But this last week I just noticed that I think it has broken leg!! It’s left leg sticks out of its body at a weird angle. It is so slow, and just slowing hops away. So slow that I could easily touch it. What should I do?? I know that a rescue center would of course be best, but I can’t find any in my area. Is their anything I can do?? Thanks all!

I would borrow a live trap and catch it. Then take it to a wild life rehabber. It will not last long with a bad leg.
If you can grab it, than get a net or a towel and try to catch it that way. Live traps are tough if the bunny goes in at night when nobody can get it out immediately. A predator could scare it to death if it gets left in a live trap for too long.

If you can't find a rehabber, call your local vets and shelters and see if they have any ideas. Sometimes its hard to find that with a google search.
Sounds more like a splayed leg. I would catch it since that bad leg still hinders it's ability to escape from predators. If it's young enough and the splay is new enough the leg could be corrected, but I wouldn't release it since splays are often congenital.

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