Baby chick can’t or won’t walk please help!!


Apr 3, 2021
I just bought a polish chick today who isn’t standing or walking. She just sleeps and lays down. If one of the other girls steps on her she’ll slide over and they push her to food and water. She has little hard circles where it looks like she lays on her legs. What could be wrong and will she be ok?


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I just bought a polish chick today who isn’t standing or walking. She just sleeps and lays down. If one of the other girls steps on her she’ll slide over and they push her to food and water. She has little hard circles where it looks like she lays on her legs. What could be wrong and will she be ok?
I see pressure sores.

Can you try a chick chair, to get her upright?
Any improvement, under I have one like this as well and not sure what to do because it doesn't want to eat or drink on it's own either?
Ah, very hard to say what is wrong. I have raised a crippling before and it doesn't quite sound like it's crippled. Please update us about this, very interesting to see how this plays out. make sure it has lots of food and water, and heat plays a specific role. it may be weak, but it is very hard to say.
Any improvement, under I have one like this as well and not sure what to do because it doesn't want to eat or drink on it's own either?
I think she had some sort of illness when she was hatched. It was obvious she hadn’t walked on her feet correctly from the start and she hadn’t eaten anything only able to drink water. She would fight to stay awake and loose I tried making a little chair and getting Her to eat but she wouldn’t and didn’t make it through the night sadly enough. I really hope u have a different outcome. I was trying to give her oregano water and electrolytes but I don’t think she was strong enough when I got her and her sister died the next day almost the exact same way without the walking issue. All my other babes that were housed with them are doing great.
I think she had some sort of illness when she was hatched. It was obvious she hadn’t walked on her feet correctly from the start and she hadn’t eaten anything only able to drink water. She would fight to stay awake and loose I tried making a little chair and getting Her to eat but she wouldn’t and didn’t make it through the night sadly enough. I really hope u have a different outcome. I was trying to give her oregano water and electrolytes but I don’t think she was strong enough when I got her and her sister died the next day almost the exact same way without the walking issue. All my other babes that were housed with them are doing great.
That's too bad. :( Mine is still Ali still hobbling on it's hocks. I've tried a chick chair, wrapped it's legs straight to get them to start growing more straight and bandaged the feet to keep them flat and none of it's helped, I don't know what else to do. She started going downhill fast while in the chick chair so I took her out. I actually caught her eating and drinking on her own which made me feel better because it showed me she's a fighter but I don't want her to be on her hocks forever and I do not have the heart to put her down. I literally exhaust everything I can think of before making drastic decisions. If anyone has any other ideas it'd be greatly appreciate!

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