Baby chick cant seem to balance itself

I would get some B vitamins (a human B complex tablet - regular not slow or extended release) and grind it up and give 1/4 tablet daily. It may also have a bit of splay leg going on, so you may need to use hobbles to correct that. On the bumpy towel I can't really tell if it's more hock sitting or more outward splay of the legs. Riboflavin deficiency can start while they are developing in the egg, and can be reversed if treated early, and no harm in supplementing the B vitamins at all. Usual symptoms are hock sitting, curled toes, and unbalance. Here is more info on splay leg in the event you need it:
And this thread has some pictures of chick chairs, just in case you need to help it stay upright to help it eat and drink:

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