Baby chick died


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 5, 2011
Ft. Wayne
I'm so sad. I bought six chicks at TSC on Sunday. I just learned yesterday through here, that one of them was a Golden Sebright. It would have been a beautiful chicken. It was so tiny and cute. I had been cleaning its vent because it was getting clogged. Yesterday I came home from work and found it dead. I'm kinda a baby cuz I cried. I was going to name it too.

I wanted another one of these and called TSC to see if I could just buy one instead of the six minimum but they wouldn't let me.

Does anyone know how/where I might be able to just buy one of these? Is it silly for me to feel so sad? I feel like I was a bad owner.
I asked them if they would and they refused

I just called the main customer service line and she said absolutely they would replace it. She transferred me to the manager of the store. The woman was so nice about it. She said just come over and we could get a new one.

I'm so happy. I know it won't help the one that died but I really liked that chick. It was just going to be beautiful. I sure hope I can pick another one that was like it.
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