Baby chick keeps sitting and closing eyes, will move but has little to no energy

Jan 12, 2024
South Carolina Greenville
My baby chick named hope is about 5 days old I think? Her mother has been sitting on her warming her for 2 full days already, I think it's legs are like I don't know how to say it, like crossed I have never had baby chicks but I dont think that's how the leg is supposed to be like, but it's not like this that's for sure she keeps stumbling and just having her eyes closed and be dormant for 2 seconds but when I touch her she's chirping again, what do I do? Please urgent


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Aww, poor little baby. With her legs looking like that, I would separate the chick from the mother for a little bit, and start giving her an electrolyte and vitamin water solution. You can make your own electrolyte solution using recipes online, or you can buy a 10buck powder at tractor supply that has tons of electrolytes and vitamins in it. I hope for the best!
It the hen a first time mother? or has she raised chicks before?
Aww, poor little baby. With her legs looking like that, I would separate the chick from the mother for a little bit, and start giving her an electrolyte and vitamin water solution. You can make your own electrolyte solution using recipes online, or you can buy a 10buck powder at tractor supply that has tons of electrolytes and vitamins in it. I hope for the best!
It the hen a first time mother? or has she raised chicks before?
First time mother, I have no access to electrolytes or any of the ingredients online, she's becoming more unresponsive and I don't think she's gonna make it, now she's just laying down chirping and the mother doesn't care about her and her eyes are closed I don't think I can save her
And also, don't worry if they seem very sleepy. It's completely normal for baby chicks to nap a lot during the first week of their lives! You'll see them just doze off for a few seconds, and then wake up chirping again. But something does seems off here. I would give the electrolytes and vitamins a try. hopefully this helps!
First time mother, I have no access to electrolytes or any of the ingredients online, she's becoming more unresponsive and I don't think she's gonna make it, now she's just laying down chirping and the mother doesn't care about her and her eyes are closed I don't think I can save her
Oh no, alright.. sometimes first time mothers accidentally crush their babies, which can cause their legs to kind of look like that.. If the mother is not paying attention to the chick, then you need to set up a heatlamp, and have the temp between 90-95 degrees F.
Well shoot, Im not sure what you can do if you can make electrolytes then. Do you have any sugar and salt? Try mixing a little sugar and salt into some water and giving it to the chick. You can find ratios online!
And yes, sadly like what Killmak said, you can try everything, but the chick may not make it in the end... If the mother has rejected the chick, it might mean there is something wrong, and that the hen knows the chick is sick and close to death. as terrible as that sounds. But hope for the best! Maybe she'll pull through with some TLC from you!
And yes, sadly like what Killmak said, you can try everything, but the chick may not make it in the end... If the mother has rejected the chick, it might mean there is something wrong, and that the hen knows the chick is sick and close to death. as terrible as that sounds. But hope for the best! Maybe she'll pull through with some TLC from you!
I don't think she's gonna make it, she's laying on her side and her chirps are becoming silent, I brang the mother. Back and she left her chick again. I failed her 😭

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