Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!



Lol, whatever eggs I got from Frost. Half Marans, some Wheaton. And ameraucana.
I've had my babies for one week today. I drove to Ideal to pick them up (2 hours one way). I'm glad I did, being a first time chick owner it took the worry of shipping away.

I ordered 2 BO, 2 BR, 2 GLW (already growing beautiful wing feathers!) and 2 of the rare breed special, the box just had a marking that said Silver Phoenix and Black Shamu. Ok, I know that it's not Shamu, but the handwriting was bad and I can't figure out what it was supposed to say.

Here are my pics

They move so quickly it's hard to get a good photo. And when I put the phone down close they all run up to peck it, which means blurry chick photos!

Meal worms from Hen Treats is their favorite and they run to the little heart shaped bowl I have for them when I come into the room...definitely waiting for treats!

I have names ready, but haven't chosen who's who...I was so worried that one of them might not make it, I didn't want to commit to loving them so much. But too late. I am already deciding based on their personalities...I'm naming them after peppers (I love spicy peppers!).

Hatch, Jalapeño, Serano, Habanero, Bell, Chili, Cayenne, Poblano.
One would think we would get tired of seeing baby chicks, but it simply never happens. I love this thread. I love looking at everyone elses baby chicks.

Besides, it's nighttime and mine are all sleeping. First time I saw them sleeping I was instantly stressed and made noise and they all jumped. Ooops...!

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