Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

My silkies...
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My babies just got a new home. You can only see the two older birds in this shot, but the coop is full of chicks.

I'll have to expand the run, even if I end up only using it for a brooder like I am now. Whoever decided this coop would hold up to 8 adult chickens needs to have their head examined. :p
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My babies just got a new home. You can only see the two older birds in this shot, but the coop is full of chicks.

I'll have to expand the run, even if I end up only using it for a brooder like I am now. Whoever decided this coop would hold up to 8 adult chickens needs to have their head examined. :p
I have that exact "coop" that I got for less than half price because someone ran into it with a forklift. I put the rabbit in it when I let her outside. It doesn't even really count as a coop.

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