Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

newest additions to the brooders, my parents picked up 6 ameraucanas (EEs) while they stopped at the feed store today...they're very fat and heavy!

Madddawg- Oh yea my brooder is much bigger! I believe its the pic I used for my avatar. Take a look and you'll see that's why theyre inside, didn't want to take any chances of the slightly older birds picking on my day old babies. And the temp plummeted here in the south and we ended up with 6" of snow! I don't like the feeling of losing any chicks so I try not to leave things to chance. :)
jochickenlady- Thanks for the reply!
OK, I see now.. I had some 3, maybe 4, week old when I brought home some 3 day old leghorns. I just separated them in the brooder overnight with a storm door screen. And the next day I took it out and all was fine.

just got this blue splash roo to breed with my hens. I gave a friend eggs last summer and she hatched him. she let me have him back, since she is keeping one rooster. below is his sister she lays gray eggs, I hope they can have gray egg babies together.

3 months old, running over for treats. Buff orpington pullets.

And here they are at 3 weeks old with the one jersey giant pullet:

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