Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


Starting to get our big girl feathers! Now to come up with a name

These two Easter Eggers roosted on the skinny edge of the cardboard box. The following two nights they roosted on the bar in the top right corner of the photo. Then they moved outside into their coop. All good now :)
[VIDEO][/VIDEO]Nap time. (Two towards the bottom are cuckoo Marans, one on top is a barred rock. The other five chicks in my flock are doing their nap time in the brooder, but these girls liked the old sleeping bag we use as a "bed" for the dog when she comes in here to hang out.


And now nap time is over, the other five came over to check on the three...and Sam (one of my amuricanas) decided to just step right on Merida...that was some angry squawking.

Egwene, however, wants someone to draw her like one of the French girls...
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