Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

I have literally hundreds if not thousands of photos of our chickens as babies, so I'll try to control myself. Here's some shots of our chicks from last year.

And here are some photos of the newcomers to our flock.


Just trying to get a temperature reading... looks like the thermometer is a nice place to sleep too! Two days old... two Cream Brabranter, one Blue Cochin and one Partridge Cochin (not in the photo)... SO IN LOVE WITH THESE GUYS!!
The lone silky that my daughter talked me into...hopefully she will think she's an Americauna.

Americauna number one we call Belle.

Americauna number two we call Liberty.

Americauna number three we call July.
My baby chics from the local feed store, mixed lot of mixed chicks! I am brand new to chickens so I just chose an assortment

Copper - brown chipmunk

Gold - feedstore 'expert' said I should have a white one - white?

Silver - the one I wanted that started it all


Nimbus - loved those little white wings

Cloud - gray chipmunk


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