Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


any ideas what this chick is? Hatched it out of an assortment of purebred hatching eggs that were unlabeled. Very feisty personality!
The first two pictures are of my Bantam chicks! They are the only two out of five that have lived. It breaks my heart. Everything with the little striped one has been kind of up and down. I had no problems with her until her little buddy passed away and then she just got really listless. Had to hand feed and water her for a bit. The black one is a tough little thing though! I have seen her boss the bigger chicks around. Thinking about naming her Aaric. I want her to have some sort of gender swapped name.

I am having a heck of a time remembering what breed the others are. It is driving me crazy. It is my first time having chicks since I was little so I am so excited to have these little feathered fluffs. It is fantastic how their personalities already shine out so well.

I will take and submit some better pictures of my chicks today.Supposed to be all Pullets, but I don't know if I believe it.
The count is 2 ISA Browns
2 Amber link
2 black sex link
2 Ameraucana
The first two pictures are of my Bantam chicks! They are the only two out of five that have lived. It breaks my heart. Everything with the little striped one has been kind of up and down. I had no problems with her until her little buddy passed away and then she just got really listless. Had to hand feed and water her for a bit. The black one is a tough little thing though! I have seen her boss the bigger chicks around. Thinking about naming her Aaric. I want her to have some sort of gender swapped name.

I am having a heck of a time remembering what breed the others are. It is driving me crazy. It is my first time having chicks since I was little so I am so excited to have these little feathered fluffs. It is fantastic how their personalities already shine out so well.


They are so cute! I hope my chicks have personality too (getting them next week). I'm so sorry you lost a few. Hopefully stripes will feel better soon.

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