Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Columbian Wyandotte Welsummer under her pseudo mama, the heating pad
Awww so sweet!
@kekstrom do you find this helping? Mine run from my hand and seem stressed when I hold them

& thank you! @mom of silkies

I do! We notice that they run to our hands... but we also let them have the freedom to walk around, so maybe that is helping them with their stress levels. Today I moved them from my regular sized rubbermaid brooder (with dark sides) to a new jumbo sized clear tub brooder. I read somewhere on here how having the chicks be able to see out can help them not be stressed by "the hand" coming down from above. Now we can all lay around them and watch through the brooder and it seems that now 2 of the 5 actually want out to be with us (pretty sure they are the older of the 5).
Oh, and we limit the time they are out... they seem to only be able to handle 15 minutes. One, my bantam, will actually start to fall asleep while standing and bam, thats her limit. Kinda like babies. So we have been handling them often throughout the day, but for short periods of time.
So we ended up getting 5 ducks.. No clue what kind they are and can't find any threads about duckling baby's

Just hatched this little guy. Total surprise, let me tell you! Was set to go into lockdown tonight with 5 others but when I opened the incubator lid to add a little more water and unhook the auto turner he was staring back at me reproachfully. Not sure how I miscalculated the dates so bad but I'm glad everything seems to be going well. 2 more pips so far!

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