Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

The first few days.....

How can they sleep like this?!? But that was then.....

And this is now. <3 Love these girls.

2-BR, 2-Blue Andalusians, 1-LH and 1-Orpington
My new baby chicks arrived today!! We ordered a Dark Cornish, White Crested Black Polish, Silver Spangled Hamburg, and a White Cochin. So cute!! :))
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So I am VERY excited to finally get my Black Australorp chickie tomorrow! I have been waiting what feels like FOREVER for her. But I have a question for ya'll.... I want to pick up a couple more chickies when I go get her. Can ya'll help me decide?

What I can choose from are:
Cuckoo Marans
Feather Legged Bantams (would probably get at least 2 if I chose these)
White Leghorns
Black Sex Links
Rhode Island Reds

I already have 4 teenagers:
Easter Egger
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Buff Orpington
Barred Rock

And then they'll join my week olds:
Easter Egger
Light Brahma
Golden Sex Link

Can you tell I am going for the 'assortment'? Hahaha.
So I am VERY excited to finally get my Black Australorp chickie tomorrow!  I have been waiting what feels like FOREVER for her.  But I have a question for ya'll.... I want to pick up a couple more chickies when I go get her.  Can ya'll help me decide?

What I can choose from are:
Cuckoo Marans
Feather Legged Bantams (would probably get at least 2 if I chose these)
White Leghorns
Black Sex Links
Rhode Island Reds

I got cuckoo marans chicks a few weeks ago--they're kinda blah personality-wise so far. They look pretty much like a barred rock and hatchery-grade stock don't tend to have the nice dark brown eggs.

I have many colors of bantam cochins, mille fleur d'Uccles, and silkies that I picked out of a bantam assortment because they had feathered them, especially the Cochins.

Just got BSLs a few weeks ago too (they were on clearance for $1!), and so far I am loving them. I just moved them outside to the coop, but while in the brooder they would fly up to the door while I was watching "chick TV" and would step up into my hand when I held it out. A good mix of boldness, curiosity, and people-orientation. And of course, excellent egg-layers!

White Leghorns are supposed to be flighty (but high volume egg layers) and RIRs can be a bit aggressive in a mixed flock, so they never made my want list.
I got cuckoo marans chicks a few weeks ago--they're kinda blah personality-wise so far. They look pretty much like a barred rock and hatchery-grade stock don't tend to have the nice dark brown eggs.

I have many colors of bantam cochins, mille fleur d'Uccles, and silkies that I picked out of a bantam assortment because they had feathered them, especially the Cochins.

Just got BSLs a few weeks ago too (they were on clearance for $1!), and so far I am loving them. I just moved them outside to the coop, but while in the brooder they would fly up to the door while I was watching "chick TV" and would step up into my hand when I held it out. A good mix of boldness, curiosity, and people-orientation. And of course, excellent egg-layers!

White Leghorns are supposed to be flighty (but high volume egg layers) and RIRs can be a bit aggressive in a mixed flock, so they never made my want list.

Jen, that is really funny you mentioned the flight WL and aggressive RIR, because they were not even on my list of possibilities until I wrote this. I figured MAYBE I was wrong in what I had assumed about them. Glad to know I wasn't the only one to have heard that.

I figured I wouldn't be getting "Maran-chocolate" eggs. But perhaps they'd be a fun breed? I feel like sometimes chickens are out-shined by other personality-filled breeds. They'd be an interesting breed for my daughters because of their name. Hahaha.

I am very interested in getting a couple more bantams. We had one in our previous batch, but she didn't make it.

Thats great to know about the BSL, I am definitely putting them on the top of the list.

I got cuckoo marans chicks a few weeks ago--they're kinda blah personality-wise so far. They look pretty much like a barred rock and hatchery-grade stock don't tend to have the nice dark brown eggs.

I have many colors of bantam cochins, mille fleur d'Uccles, and silkies that I picked out of a bantam assortment because they had feathered them, especially the Cochins.

Just got BSLs a few weeks ago too (they were on clearance for $1!), and so far I am loving them. I just moved them outside to the coop, but while in the brooder they would fly up to the door while I was watching "chick TV" and would step up into my hand when I held it out. A good mix of boldness, curiosity, and people-orientation. And of course, excellent egg-layers!

White Leghorns are supposed to be flighty (but high volume egg layers) and RIRs can be a bit aggressive in a mixed flock, so they never made my want list.

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