Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


Nevermind I found out how to add a picture. This here is one of my favorite Babies. I'll post a second one of my other favorite. Then i will post a third one with both of them together.
Hi everyone!
I was hoping maybe some of you may be able to help me with sexing my little darlings? Its the first time I've had chicks so this has all very much been a learning curve for me. I have looked up how to sex chicks and I hazard a guess that I have 5 cockerels (Chick #1 & #3 - #6)and 1 pullet (Chick #2)...but I just wanted to double check before I send the roos to the market! Any help is greatly appreciated, and I hope the photos are ok.

Chick #1:

Chick #2

Chick #3

Chick #4

Chick #5

Chick #6.


Pearl is the white one, Cookie the brown. I know we should probably wait till these EE's feather out, but my girls insist on naming them. The big gray one still needs a name, any ideas?

Pearl is the white one, Cookie the brown. I know we should probably wait till these EE's feather out, but my girls insist on naming them. The big gray one still needs a name, any ideas?

What about Heather, it is a synonym for gray but it won't matter what color she turns out. They will surprise you how different the adult color can be from the chick color. Lol

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