Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

The little black and white one in the close up says, "You eyeballin' me!?"
They are all so cute. I have lost my camera so I can't play...
But I hope to find it soon. :')
All the babies are so cute! I just can't believe I'm doing this again but it's close to summer so I will be able to put the oldest Chick outside in 2wks she is 3wks now. The others are 1wk n 2wks old.
Hello! New here! If I'm only raising two chicks (will be purchased soon) what is the best heat lamp/light to use? I don't want to get this huge one for only two chicks because I think it might be too much you know? Has any one else had success raising only two chicks? What did you use?
Hello! New here! If I'm only raising two chicks (will be purchased soon) what is the best heat lamp/light to use? I don't want to get this huge one for only two chicks because I think it might be too much you know? Has any one else had success raising only two chicks? What did you use?
The size of the bulb doesn't matter as long as you can keep the right temp. Are you keeping them in your living space and for how long before moving them outside? It doesn't take a lot of watts to increase temp from 70 to 95 degrees. But you might find that even 2 chicks produce more chicken dust than you want in your living space for very long. The other question i have to ask you is: Why 2? Chickens are flock animals and do best in a group. If you get 2, and one dies, you'll have a hard time introducing a replacement. I recommend 3 as a minimum, 4 might be better. Space requirements wouldn't be that much greater.

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