Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

our 5 week chicks, they left the nursery last week and moved above it to the nest boxes, since we removed the roosters to a roost box in a fenced area of the run, they have started playing on the back perch flying to the nest box and back, before they finally squash themselves into the nest for the night. still only half way through our greenhouse to coop/shed conversion. the goal is to get the outside cladded before the start of winter, and also a potting table built on the otherside of the wall to give them an extra 12-18square foot of indoor floor space for winter.

Update on my Babes of Summer.

First, the Easter Eggers...

Last week

And I think I may know why I have such a hard time telling these two apart...

Four weeks

They're twins! Or very nearly so! And no, I don't think they came from the same egg!
They may have shared similar parentage though.

The mottle-headed one, last week..

And today (4 weeks)

She's starting to look a little like Pepper (R.I.P.)

The white/buff, at 3 weeks

Today's version..

Many white-ish EE's I've seen here seem to lay blue eggs. I'm hoping she does too.

And finally my very dark Cuckoo Marans @ three weeks...

And today

I'm beginning to wonder if he even is going to be a Cuckoo! The white just keeps getting thinner and thinner.

Is this normal for Cuckoos?

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