Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Hi everyone! Just introducing our new family. Two of these chicks were hatched on the 12th (Gracie and Hazel) Millie, a Mille Fleur Bantam was hatched on July 4th. I wanted a Millie Fleur but didn't want her by herself. The owner had other chicks just hatched so I took two of them to keep her company. Henna was shown to me; the owner was looking for a home for her. She was being picked on really bad. She was in such a sad state (her back and tail end were really ripped up, red, and raw) and the owner was going to put her back in the same coop. I couldn't leave her like that so I took her. Chicks are all doing great. They are in the coop in a separated by hardware cloth pen from Henna. Was going to let them together tonight close to dusk and see how it goes. I am getting 12 more chicks at the end of the month. A neighbor put an order in and now doesn't want them. Suggestions?




Henna- the rescued hen

These are our new babies!
^^ So cute!
Here's some pictures of my 4:

Bobby -

Kofta -
Named after an Asian meatball dish I'm fond of in case you were wondering.

Daffy -

Baby -

All sleeping -

Just chilin' -

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