Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Just got my order of chicks last week. There were 27 of the little buggers. My neighbor, Brian, and I split an order. He got busy with work so I kept them for him. He just picked up his 14 on Wednesday. They are so cute. They are with my older chicks (1 mos olds) and doing well. Now when can I put them with the single rescued hen I have?

Really enjoying them. I am on my way out to get pics now. Enjoy your day.
I had to look that up too, and some one said that 8 weeks is the magic age of acceptance. I didn't wait that long. I put mine in at 6 weeks with a 21 week old and three 17 week olds. I think it depends on the temperament of the older chickens, so all I can suggest is when you think they should go, just monitor them for at least 30 minutes and regularly check them for the next few hours. Any aggression would be immediate.

My mother and I shared an order of 16 chickens. She recently tried putting hers out with her Production Reds, and they automatically attacked the babies. She also tried with a 6 month old Ameraucana, and they tried going after her immediately, but left her alone when she was in a crate within the coop.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
I had to look that up too, and some one said that 8 weeks is the magic age of acceptance. I didn't wait that long. I put mine in at 6 weeks with a 21 week old and three 17 week olds. I think it depends on the temperament of the older chickens, so all I can suggest is when you think they should go, just monitor them for at least 30 minutes and regularly check them for the next few hours. Any aggression would be immediate.

My mother and I shared an order of 16 chickens. She recently tried putting hers out with her Production Reds, and they automatically attacked the babies. She also tried with a 6 month old Ameraucana, and they tried going after her immediately, but left her alone when she was in a crate within the coop.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
It does help, thanks. It confirms my 50/50 thoughts on doing it. So I will wait. I have attached some updated baby pics.
4 week old Hazel

10 day old penguin girl

10 day olds not sure if blue laced wyandottes?

5 week old Mille Fleur with chicks

They are having a blast with the grass clippings. This is so much fun!!!
So much cuteness!



These are my black rock mixes at 9wks old. This pic is old because they are now 13 wks old

Penguin our black rock mix is in the middle snd is already bigger than some of our leghorn hens. There is also his 1 wk pic.He will probaly taller than his father a 10lb pure bred black rock rooster, but thankfully keeping his docile nature
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