Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

No Leghorns (he he but then again they are Trader Joe eggs so who really knows)

I have some pretty, and different birds in my small flock, but I always, always, have to have a Leghorn. One of the most friendly chicken I've ever had. And, they lay great. They crack me up with how much they love their treats. I have called all of my Leghorns, Miss Piggy. Here is a photo of one of them from last year clicking her nails on the door frame..asking for treats already!

The partner is a Red Sex Link. My two egg regular egg layers at the time.
So dang cute! Love the colors!
This is Sweet Pea, a Bantam Favorelle with her babies. Isn't it great that they don't care what kind of egg is sitting under them? They are her babies when they hatch!
I think it's great! We had a Porceline Bearded d'Anver hen hatch some Jersey Giant chicks. Unfortunately, of the 2 that hatched, only 1 survived, but she is a fierce & protective mama. Cracks me up because the chick will quickly be bigger than her! I'd be surprised if she weighs a pound! Lol! Beautiful hen & chicks!
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Is she a Wyandotte? That's what we were told when we got her we've had her since she was about a week old she's about 16 weeks now
Well, I have a young Silver Lace Wyondotte outside right now. The coloring here looks like it could be, but as old as this one is, I'm seeing longer white stripes, and no round lacing coming along. I also, have an EE out there that has this same coloring. But, not the same type of comb. May be a mix with the wyondotte for sure with that type of comb. Going to be a very nice looking bird!
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I'm super duper excited to announce that after 2 1/2 years of keeping chickens, we FINALLY got a broody! Yesterday, her first chicks hatched. Meet Uno and Dos:

Uno is in the back, Dos in the front. They'll get more permanent names when they're older.

Here's the proud mama with her babies.
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