Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

I got a bunch of new silkies on the 26th of October and one was broody when I bought her. I have no rooster nor fertile eggs, but she came from a flock of roosters so the day after I got her, Sunday, the 27th of October, I was shocked to see she had laid an egg. I decided to let her sit on it since it may have had the potential to hatch. As it turns out, she isn't a really good broody mother because every time I checked on her the egg would be directly sitting in front of her and she would think she was sitting on it but it wasn't. This went on for about five days until I decided to try my luck with an incubator. I highly doubted that the egg would still be viable after constantly being left out in the cold, but I gave it a try anyways. It was either the 31st or the 1st that I put it in the incubator and the second day in, the incubator lost power for at least 8 hours. I thought for sure the egg was dead, but since then I think I can see a developing embryo in the egg, however I am awful at candling so I can't be completely sure. Anyways, I have kept it in their despite the many mistakes that have occurred and I am trying to determine when to increase the humidity. The egg could potentially hatch any time from this Saturday, the 16th, to this upcoming Friday, the 22nd. You are supposed to increase the humidity two days before, right? When is suggested? I don't know when the embryo started developing, especially with so many temperature fluctuations.... Please any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I got a bunch of new silkies on the 26th of October and one was broody when I bought her. I have no rooster nor fertile eggs, but she came from a flock of roosters so the day after I got her, Sunday, the 27th of October, I was shocked to see she had laid an egg. I decided to let her sit on it since it may have had the potential to hatch. As it turns out, she isn't a really good broody mother because every time I checked on her the egg would be directly sitting in front of her and she would think she was sitting on it but it wasn't. This went on for about five days until I decided to try my luck with an incubator. I highly doubted that the egg would still be viable after constantly being left out in the cold, but I gave it a try anyways. It was either the 31st or the 1st that I put it in the incubator and the second day in, the incubator lost power for at least 8 hours. I thought for sure the egg was dead, but since then I think I can see a developing embryo in the egg, however I am awful at candling so I can't be completely sure. Anyways, I have kept it in their despite the many mistakes that have occurred and I am trying to determine when to increase the humidity. The egg could potentially hatch any time from this Saturday, the 16th, to this upcoming Friday, the 22nd. You are supposed to increase the humidity two days before, right? When is suggested? I don't know when the embryo started developing, especially with so many temperature fluctuations.... Please any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You may want to post this on the incubating and hatching eggs thread.
My three new baby chicks. My roos are a red silkie and a grey silkie, and my hens are a red cochin, black cornish, grey silkie...and one other that I'm not sure WHAT she is (but she a beauty - teeny thing, black and white). SO...not POSITIVE who the mamas are to these chicks, but I can probably make a pretty good guess...

("I love you, mama!")
This is puff anyone know what breed it is or gender
Old wives tale for sexing baby chicks. with wings and back against your palm ( belly up) hold the chick for about 5 seconds like that move your top hand away from bird. If chick stays or seems content like that it is female if it immediately tries to stand upright then its a roo. works about 90% of the time. Although it gets harder to determine the older the chicks. hope this helps

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