Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


Here's my one little chickie all by herself on her bear fur. Greatest idea EVER! All my other chicks are too big to keep her company so after a night of sleeping under my blanket on my soft feather pillow something had to change...I was sooo afraid of crushing her! Had some bear fur (supposed to be sewing something out of it but hey) and now she preens herself and her fur before sleeping:)

Here's my one little chickie all by herself on her bear fur. Greatest idea EVER! All my other chicks are too big to keep her company so after a night of sleeping under my blanket on my soft feather pillow something had to change...I was sooo afraid of crushing her! Had some bear fur (supposed to be sewing something out of it but hey) and now she preens herself and her fur before sleeping:)
I made a similar discovery recently. I had a lone chick named Cinco that got very lonely when I had to work, so I crocheted a pouch with a peephole to wear around my neck that he could snuggle in and be close to me. Later that same day, we had a surprise addition to our brood--a newborn bantam mutt named Seis, and as it turns out, my little pouch was perfect for a chilly newborn looking for a place to snuggle.

Seis tried to escape the pouch at first, but only got as far as sticking his head out before knocking out asleep.
^ That's freaking adorable.

Just shy of six weeks old, my Coro Sussex (Hatake) and GLW (Uhura).

I've posted photos of them both before, but under the named 'Champy89' (actually my partners account).

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Prairiechickens- that was a great idea! I should do that, let Con go with me to tend the other chicks/chickens and maybe get a headstart on learning to socialize with chickens.

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