Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

I want to but I really don't know how cause I'm a beginner.
I'm a beginner too, so I definitely could be wrong.
My babies upgraded to the bath tub that we never use (you know you have a chicken problem when you give your bath tub to them). I'm going to be getting ten more, so I might as well give them more space now. The wire on the top is to make sure the cats don't try to use it as a litter box...

My chicks that I have had for one week. The Ameracauna seems a few days older even though they all arrived together.
Daisy, Buff Orpington

Ducchess, Silver-laced Wyandotte

Trixie, Ameracauna (or more likely an EE)

Lulu, Barred Plymouth Rock
I don't think Raven is a Barred Rock, but it does look like the female Bar Rock chicks can have some black on their legs, but the black on my Black Sex link chick is definitely darker than the black on my Barred Rock Chicks.
She had a completely black head from the time I got her at 3 days old. As a matter of fact her face and head were so black it was hard to see her eyes.
I was finally able to get close ups of our chicks. I purchased them from TSC. They were 2 weeks old Sunday 3/2/14. I would love some help finding out the breed on the two black ones. This is Blondie one of our Rhode Island Reds. This is Cinnamon I'm not sure of the breed. The bin that I got her and the other black one just had Black Pullets on it. Let me know if you know her breed. This is Lace or Lacie depending on the sex. The bin this chick came from said straight run Silver Laced Wyandotte. This is Raven. She is the other one listed under Black Pullet. If you know her breed please let me know. Thanks! This is Roxy Red a.k.a., Red. She is a Rhode Island Red. This is Silver. This is the other straight run Silver Laced Wyandotte.
Sumatra maybe? I have a Sumatra named Raven! :lau

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