Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

More of my chicks.
One of my d'Uccle babies had an "accident" for lack of a better word. Somehow flipped the food dish over on itself, under the heat lamp of all places. Don't know how long it was under there for, but was overheated when I found it. Took it out and gave it some electrolyte water. Waited until the heavy breathing stopped and it started peeping again before putting it back in the tub. Seems to be doing fine. I raised the heat lamp and gave them a different feeder that most definitely should not flip over (don't have those quart jar feeders, only ones for water, but I have one of those trough feeders).

I ordered a heat plate from Premier. They've been back-ordered, but the website said they should be in stock on the 15th, so hopefully I get one sent out then. Now I have to go to work. I'll post pics when I get home.
Anira, this happened to me when I went on vac, my dad was feeding my chicks with a small plastic dish, and it flipped on her. Also once I had a large black plastic planter bucket in the garden and my favorite NN flipped it on herself in the summer. I went out to see her and could not find her until it was too late
I use shallow dishes to start with, then after a while I switch to actual feeders. I've never had that happen before, so the thought never occurred to me. The babies are in our clawfoot tub, because we never use it. We prefer the shower in our house, mainly because there just isn't time to sit and soak in the tub.

Quote: Is the wire cooling rack to keep them from scratching the savings into the water? How does it work?
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