Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

What is going on with their water?
sorry newbie question

No prob! Water has mix in it for electrolytes to help de-stress (which makes it a bit yellow), and I put little rocks around the bottom so they don't drown. The green circle is the top of their feeder - I used painters tape for easy clean up when they hop on it.

2 Barred Rocks
2 Buff Orpingtons
All 1 week old
I don't know, but it looks like a pretty cockerel.
we have four like that and two smaller plain yellow ones. The four with black feathers are so much bigger. All hatched the same day out of the same incubator at school. Do you think I have 4 roosters??
we have four like that and two smaller plain yellow ones. The four with black feathers are so much bigger. All hatched the same day out of the same incubator at school. Do you think I have 4 roosters??

I say rooster since his comb is pronounced and turning pink. How old are the chicks and do all of them have the same size comb.
No prob! Water has mix in it for electrolytes to help de-stress (which makes it a bit yellow), and I put little rocks around the bottom so they don't drown. The green circle is the top of their feeder - I used painters tape for easy clean up when they hop on it.

Cool, Thanks

Stopped by the feed store after lunch and picked up a bag of electrolyte powder stuff

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