Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

I'm up to ten! Five Polish, Three Silkie (One's a paint!
) and Two Serama!!!! (These were the reason I set another batch, they're so cute!)
And about the Serama...I read Serama chicks can be any colour, regardless of the parents. Well, my rooster is Light Blue, my hen is Black Breasted Red. BOTH chicks are creme with buff spots??? I'll post pics in a bit!
The cuteness is unbearable, lol!
Some hatcheries do, but I ordered these from My Pet Chicken, which doesn't include extra roos. And I was over the minimum order anyway. (Minimum order is three. I ordered five and got six.)

When I called after getting a surprise sixth chick, the hatchery said that someone had mis-sorted this chick into my box instead of someone else's box, but they couldn't tell me whether it had been sexed or not because they didn't know whose order it had come from and it wasn't on mine (obviously). I had assumed that the person who ordered it wanted a girl, so I've been calling it female, but I have no idea if the person who bought it had ordered straight run, or had ordered a roo for breeding or eating. The way this one is feathering out and behaving is making me suspect roo. Still too young to tell for sure, though.

These are my new chicks! 1 barred rock named Big One. 1 Red sex link named Hotbox. 2 Black sex links named "The Twins"

Loving them so far!
jmdarrow,   I am not minding seeing your hubs at all.   

  Silkies are very difficult to sex before 4-5 mos. of age and sometimes not till they lay or crow.   Males generally have bigger, gosh awfully looking wide tumors of a comb. :sick   Females tend to have slender, combs  much less  barfy looking. If you could pull their  crests back ( with hair clip etc.)   and take photos of the combs - maybe we could help  ID the genders.

It's a roo, he is the one on the left of hubs. His name is Casper. Pretty sure the other one is also. Still trying to name him. Any help would be appreciated. Btw....thinking I have more roos than pulleys out of this group of 8 silkies. Which only makes sense since I have 4 grown boys in my household. All of this manly stuff can get on my nerves. What does one woman do???? Lol!
These are my new chicks! 1 barred rock named Big One. 1 Red sex link named Hotbox. 2 Black sex links named "The Twins" Loving them so far!
Cute! Im still learning which situations give you a BR, a black sex link, a red sex link and a RIR. We are hatching more today and I don't know what's what since the eggs came from a farm with BR and RIR roos.
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