Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


Here are my silkie babies. Lucked up with 4 different colors. Little cuties.
Thankyou Exotica

Yes mille fluer de ulles are a type of bantam.Miller used to be sweet but has now developed some human agression issues towards other people. I guess it is the luck of the draw for them.I only have a male one , so I cant say for the females. They might be sweet.
My oebg Dove is a bantam and is very maybe its the same for female de ulles.


Here's her as a chick
I can get u an updated picture if you like.
So, I made the little guys a plate of yogurt, tuna, and an egg yolk. They're all terrified of it because Slimy Bob is calling off the danger sound. (As he stuffs his fat little face). The rest are huddled in a corner until Slimy Bob takes care of the "threat"... And now, he's been stretching his little neck and peeking at me every time he hears me. This is what I see every time I walk by. Lol Way to look out for the others, Bob...

Thankyou Exotica

Yes mille fluer de ulles are a type of bantam.Miller used to be sweet but has now developed some human agression issues towards other people. I guess it is the luck of the draw for them.I only have a male one , so I cant say for the females. They might be sweet.
My oebg Dove is a bantam and is very maybe its the same for female de ulles.


Here's her as a chick
I can get u an updated picture if you like.

She's adorable! She's OEGB? What are the differences between those and Seramas temperament wise?

Yes dove is a old english game bantam (oebg)
I know oebgs can be very sweet but I don't know about seramas. I don't own one. But all birds vary in temperment and personality despite the breed standards.

The picture is zoomed in and she is in one of our nesting boxes.she is about the size of a dove thats why i named her Dove.she looks angry but its just the angle haha.
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