Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Today is move out day.... My 2 wk Australorp, my 3 wk old comets, and my nearly 4 wk old California whites are moving to the coop today... I've separated an area for them and it's time to get with nature.


Follow up 3/13/16 - my 2 wk olds n 3 wks n 5 wks old are all doing good outside. It's about 75 outside today and it rained last night n they were fine.. I checked on the Smaller ones around 6am n they were huddle together with my 2 4 wrkrs holding their own. Something broke their heat lamp, the bulb was in pieces when I went out so replaced it with a lower wattage but they seem to be avoiding it.

Now my older chicks 5/6 wks old are still not wanting to mingle with my 17 wk girls but they should eventually come around, next week they are to be completely living without a separate shelter within the coop and then the babies that are 2/4 wks will be moved in... All 15 should be transformed by the end of the month or first part of April.
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So, I just got more baby chicks, I figured I've been doing great with 12 baby chicks. There all 3 weeks old and haven't lost any which is super exciting! I just picked up a batch of 6 barnyard mixes and when i take a few photos of them I may need everybody's help! I have no clue what they are Lol.
I will post photos in a few hours all! Thank you :)
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