Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


These are my new chicks! <3 they are about 4 weeks old.

But I have a concern about the white one, who I have named Paisley. She has been acting lethargic and not as active as the other 2. I think it's coccidiosis. But they have been vaccinated for it. I have her and the others in the house and it's around 74 and they have their heating pad on.


And plz awnser she is getting worse
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go get medicine and treat her
Isolate her and feed her yogurt with a few grains of salt, dissolved in warm water. Use a syringe; you don't even have to get it in her mouth, just wet her beak with the syringe and she will instinctively drink.
It's important to get her away from the others; baby chickens will peck a sick bird to death almost before you know they're sick. You may need to hold her pretty much constantly to keep her from panic peeping.
Edited to add: we all like to throw out 'I think my chick has XYZ' but the honest truth is they are frail little creatures and the reason a hen broods a whole clutch full of eggs is because not all are meant to survive. They seem to give up really easily and stop eating the minute they feel unwell, and can't survive for long without nutrition.
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Isolate her and feed her yogurt with a few grains of salt, dissolved in warm water.  Use a syringe;  you don't even have to get it in her mouth, just wet her beak with the syringe and she will instinctively drink.
It's important to get her away from the others;  baby chickens will peck a sick bird to death almost before you know they're sick.  You may need to hold her pretty much constantly to keep her from panic peeping.
Edited to add:  we all like to throw out 'I think my chick has XYZ' but the honest truth is they are frail little creatures and the reason a hen broods a whole clutch full of eggs is because not all are meant to survive.  They seem to give up really easily and stop eating the minute they feel unwell, and can't survive for long without nutrition. 

All good info IMO. Been reading and keeping up periodically.
All good info IMO. Been reading and keeping up periodically.

Thanks Wendy. I sometimes think I have too many opinions for someone who hasn't been doing this very long, but I'm not advising anything really outlandish. I hate seeing the flock attack a weak bird. I get the Darwinism behind it, but I don't have to like it.

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