Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!



Anyone know what kind of chick this is? Also I am wondering the sex of it. I was told he/she was 4-5 weeks old. But this bird seems way older because she is pretty big.

Thanks for any insight
Meaning an araucana or Americana? Still new to this breed. Thank you

Araucanas and Ameraucanas are pure breeds. An Easter Egger is a particular kind of mixed breed. To make it complicated, hatcheries and farm stores call EEs Americaunas 99.9% of the time. EEs are wonderful birds though. I've got quite a few chicks.
Araucanas and Ameraucanas are pure breeds. An Easter Egger is a particular kind of mixed breed. To make it complicated, hatcheries and farm stores call EEs Americaunas 99.9% of the time. EEs are wonderful birds though. I've got quite a few chicks.

Oh awesome. So I will be getting blue and greenish eggs :)

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