Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

This is River my EE, who is also in my avatar. She's about 5 1/2 weeks old now.

Rose my Salmon Favorelle, and Wolf my Buff Cochin. The Cochin's a bit younger and always seems to stick with Rose.

Cyberhen, one of my other EEs.

Noble, my bigger RIR. My two RIRs are the oldest.

River's coloring is especially beautiful!

My chicks are getting big, 1 month old.
So I can't remember if I posted about it before but my McMurray order contained two (I had ordered 1) male black australorps. One was a ftt and died at around a week. He was an obvious runt from the beginning. The other hit about a week and his growth rate and feathering rate almost halted. I kept him separated from his flock mates when they went outside and gave him two bantams to keep him company. He also got spradle (I think that's what you call it) leg and had to have his legs bandaided together for a whopping 1.5 at least before it was corrected. I know most people would have culled him but I just couldn't give up on him like that as he was such a little fighter and still is. He is now out with his flock mates and two little friends in the coop. He has gained some size but is still continuing to grow at a very slow rate. Here is a picture of him next to one of the female australorps of the exact same age so you can see the difference.


I'm really curious if anyone had ever heard of such stunted development before. He is a spunky little guy and attached to the hip with the two little bantams I got him. Pretty sure those two are Roos too lol! Might have to find some mini no crow collars for the trio because idk if I can stand to rehome them.


One is a blue rose comb and the other I believe is a black Dutch.
she looks just like my little black australorp chicks.. identical markings.. funny how they turn whitish before turning black.. adorable tho.. :)

update.. i am a little embarrassed but she is a barred plymouth rock.. the place where i got my chicks from mislabeled them.. what i thought were black australorps are the rocks.. now that mine are getting bigger, they are getting their barred black and white feathers.. here is a new pic of my little baby..
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