Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Our silkie chicks hatched yesterday! Here they are just out of the shell, and the last pic is of them all fluffed up :)

I think they are gold, blue and another gold? It's hard to tell at the moment. Any ideas?





Are they mixes, or pure breds?

Here's my Black Silkie and White Silkie cross, (right) and my Black Silkie and Buff Silkie cross (left). Aren't they adorable? Don't ask why they both turned out all black, but I think they're just gorgeous. Their names are Abraham (right) and Lincoln (left) (they were born on Ab Lincoln's birthday) They're just 12 hours old in this photo. They're now 8 days old. They grow so fast! I sure hope someone replies, I just created this account. I've always LOVED BYC, but never had the time to be a part of it. Love it already!
Adorable chicks!! :love and :welcome!!!
I am getting Easter eggers, buff Orpingtons, barred rocks and Rhode Island reds. I can't wait to get them! I recently bought a new house and it came with a chicken coop, so yes I have finished it ;) I just need to do some more cleaning and some minor repairs

Getting my first chicks in April too, and have the same breeds on my list :) Plus some laced Wyandottes because they are so pretty!
Yey! I just picked up my spring batch from Meyer Hatchery yesterday. 6 Sussex pullets, 6 rainbow rangers, 3 barnvelder pullets and one adorable blue ameraucauna roo <3

I hope they are pure breds - that's how the eggs were sold to me!! However 1 has only 4 toes on each foot, 1 has 4 toes on one foot and 5 on the other, and the third has 5 toes on each foot. How bizarre!

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