Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

The new additions to our home!
Two Buff Rocks, two Ameraucanas, a Deleware, a Rhode Island Red, a Welsummer, a Buff Orpington, and a Speckled Sussex. : )

The new additions to our home! Two Buff Rocks, two Ameraucanas, a Deleware, a Rhode Island Red, a Welsummer, a Buff Orpington, and a Speckled Sussex. : )
I'm a bit jealous! I wanted my flock to include welsummer, ameraucana, and a buff Orpington. Our selection combined with purchase minimum left us without those.
I spent a day making a larger brooder for our chicks. It is still made out of cardboard boxes but check out how much fun they are having now. The first one was half this size and nine inches shorter. I made it so it has a door I can go in to change food and water. 19 little chicks
in my homemade brooder set up in our dining room. I am so thankful for cardboard boxes and duct tape! I started with one half this size but they were getting crowded and found one perched on top of the box. Took another trip to the store for more boxes and came up with this. It even has a door! They are being kept happy and busy while we build their new coop.


I have no idea where those chocolates came from? I have a red English rooster over gold laced and solid blue Wyandottes in one pen and a blue English rooster over blue laced red Wyandottes. Wish I knew who it came from so I could breed for it LOL
What are those varieties? They are gorgeous!!!

The dark one on top is an australorp, we think, and we also think it's a cockerel. The pale yellow is a Delaware. Then there are three Rhode Island Reds, a bantam barred rock, bantam Cochin, and two blue wyandottes. Thank you! :)
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