Baby Chick - Scab on Vent???


Oct 5, 2017
Our baby chick looks to have a scab on the vent area. I don't think it is pasty butt because it looks different. I tried taking pictures but they are kind of blurry.
Has anyone else witnessed this or know what it is?

The chick is not behaving any differently and isn't being picked on that I have witnessed. It can poo just fine too. She is fluttering around eating, drinking, and loving her roomies.

Not sure if i should try and remove the scab (or whatever it is) or leave it be, but I'd feel like a bad chick mommy if I left it alone.

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

* This first picture is after we soaked in warn water and cleared a little poo off.
* The second picture is this morning after she dried and got some rest.
Chick 1.jpeg
Chick 1.jpeg
Chick 2.jpeg
Chick 2.jpeg
It appears it could be a pecking injury from the other chicks. The more they peck, the more injured and red it will become, and that will cause even more pecking.

First, address the scab with coconut oil. Keeping it moist will prevent further irritation and promote healing.

Second, you need to observe the chicks and watch how they interact to see if one may be a bully. If you see a chick going after the others, give it a poke on its back whenever you see the bad behavior. This will teach the chick not to do it. You need to be watchful and administer the discipline as often as possible over the next day or two. After that, there should be no more problem unless you have a seriously overcrowded brooder.
It appears it could be a pecking injury from the other chicks. The more they peck, the more injured and red it will become, and that will cause even more pecking.

Thank you for your advice. I will definitely be keeping a very close eye on them. It is the smallest chick of the bunch so she might be being pecked at.

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