Baby chick struggling


Dec 28, 2022
Hey everyone. This is my first time hatching and I did a ton of research. I clearly did something wrong because not one of my 15 eggs even pipped until day 22. 3 were born on day 23 one on day 24 and one of day 25. The one on day 25 isnt doing well at all. She is still in the incubator and the others are out under the brooder already. One leg is stiff and stuck backwards behind the chick, it's breathing like the others did but not moving much at all. Eyes open occasionally but just seems very week. I want to take it out and possibly wrap with a warm blanket to try and stimulate but here is the crazy part. One of my other eggs (I candled yesterday and two were still alive) pipped this morning (day 26!). It's going very slow and I would be surprised if it makes it out. So my questions are: what can I do to help the little one already born and should I try to help the pipped one or is it so late that this little one will probably die? Any help is so appreciated! thank you!
Did you calibrate your incubator and what is your set date?
I set my incubator at 39c and humidity was 60 until hatch time and I increased it to 65. I had trouble one day with humidity when we actually got a cold front here in Florida. I placed all eggs on 12/3 at 10 am.
what can I do to help the little one already born
The only thing I know is to keep it warm and maybe give it something for energy. I use hummingbird liquid but you can use sugar water or get something at the feed store, usually some kind if enzyme. I use a medicine dropper but you can use anything else that lets you put a drop of the liquid on the tip of its beak. It should take that drop off and swallow it so keep giving it more. Do not force it down its throat or in its mouth, you can drown it. The idea is to hydrate it and give it some energy so it can start taking care of itself.

and should I try to help the pipped one or is it so late that this little one will probably die?
It is late for both of them. You can try to help but don't get your hopes up.

It sounds like the incubating temperature was too low. Thermometers don't always read correctly and thermostats are not always set correctly. You need to calibrate that thermometer, find out if it is really reading as it should.

What kind of incubator did you use, a forced air (one with a fan) or a still air (no fan)? A forced air should have the same temperature everywhere inside but warm air rises. In a still air where you take the temperature vertically is really important. It is generally recommended to have a temperature of 101.5 F (38.6 C) taken at the top of the eggs. Not sure exactly what happened with yours but the incubation temperature sure sounds like it was low.
Hey everyone. This is my first time hatching and I did a ton of research. I clearly did something wrong because not one of my 15 eggs even pipped until day 22. 3 were born on day 23 one on day 24 and one of day 25. The one on day 25 isnt doing well at all. She is still in the incubator and the others are out under the brooder already. One leg is stiff and stuck backwards behind the chick, it's breathing like the others did but not moving much at all. Eyes open occasionally but just seems very week. I want to take it out and possibly wrap with a warm blanket to try and stimulate but here is the crazy part. One of my other eggs (I candled yesterday and two were still alive) pipped this morning (day 26!). It's going very slow and I would be surprised if it makes it out. So my questions are: what can I do to help the little one already born and should I try to help the pipped one or is it so late that this little one will probably die? Any help is so appreciated! thank you!
Ok, for the weak baby, if he's dried off, turn on a small heater/another heat lamp (or a heating blanket on a LOW setting) and take him out. Make sure he is kept very warm. Mix some liquid B12 in with water (look for the water having a light pink hue) and give it drop by drop to the baby with a dropper or syringe. Putting a drop to the tip of the beak should stimulate the baby to drink. Continue with the B12 and sugar water, see how it goes. Not much else can be done, but if you're religious on the care the baby could make it!

As for the eggs, they will need assistance. If there's no external pip by now, you will need to make one. After that, give it a good couple hours to see if there's any progress, if not you'll have to get involved. Here's a good article for assisted hatching:

Best of luck!

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