Baby chick was stepped on


Jul 8, 2022
Hello everyone. I'm hoping for some advice. I had taken my daughter to the doctors early this morning and when I came home I noticed no one had opened the coop-so I went over to let the crazies out. As I was counting them and getting their feed situated I kept coming up one short. So I went to walk towards the coop and right under my dress the littlest peep must've wondered and I hadn't been able to see him and stepped on him 😭😭 I felt absolutely awful and immediately scooped him up and he was dazed and kind of drooping his wings. From what I saw I had just gotten his wing area/POSSIBLY his side. I thought he was a goner. My husband thought so as well. But I brought him inside in a dim area and kept him on me while offering food and water. He kept kind of nodding and I thought he was for sure going to pass away pretty immediately. ..but it is now 5 hours later and he is chirping loudly now, for the others, in a box I set up for him with easy access to food water and warmth -inside my house. He still isn't moving a ton but much more active-not nodding out- and chirping loudly vs the tiny ones he was barely projecting earlier. Is there anything else anyone can recommend? Aside from not opening the coop in a long dress again 🥺😭

Dont mind the long post. It's my daughter's favorite chick (of course) and I'm extremely pregnant and hormonal SO I feel EXTRA bad about this. 😩
I'm so sorry this happened. :hugs Don't feel too bad, though.
This has happened to me before, too, and the chick died about 30 seconds afterwards, after a nerve spasm where she flapped around in circles for a few seconds...
I stepped on the neck in that instance.

In your case, if it was just the wing, I think the chick will be fine as long as she has time to heal without anyone bothering her.

You can offer him some sugar water for a little boost. It also helps with shock, I believe.

Good luck and keep us posted.

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