Baby chick with broken toe


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 9, 2010
Southern TN
Not really looking for advise...just have a story to share. My 8 year old daughter is an avid animal/chicken lover. So when she saw the sign at TSC that said "Chicks and ducks now here" of course she begged to stop. We had a few extra moments so we ran in and were happily playing with the little balls of fluff, when I noticed a bunch of chicks piled up and pecking at something that looked bloody. I reached in and scooped up a poor little peep with a bloody toe. I took her to the manager of the store and she put her in a seperate area. Of course, being a vet tech and chicken lover myself, I couldn't bare to leave her there all alone and injured. So we got a bag of feed and a lamp and headed to the vet to have her toe looked at. He didn't think it was broken and said just keep an eye on it, but when I checked on her tonight, the toe looks dead to me. It doesn't bother her when we touch it and all the blood is dried up, but I'm afraid they damaged it too much to save. So I guess it's back to the vet tomorrow. Hopefully we won't have to amputate her toe.
Most toes that are damaged like that will fall off on their own. I've seen it multiple times. It doesn't seem to bother them that much when that happens. A young one will never even miss it- it'll be like it never had a toe always.

Good luck with the little peep.

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