Baby chick with possible impacted crop - twitching head repeatedly. Advice needed!

Apr 1, 2022
Seattle, WA
Hi everyone,

I have a group of 5 one-week old baby chicks and last night my chocolate sexlink (that we are now affectionately calling Twitch) started shaking her head and scratching at her neck/chin area. I have checked for mites and lice and I have examined her face and beak, and there is no visible injury. They've been on paper towels, eating unmedicated chicken starter from the barn where I purchased them and I mix it with a 10:1 ratio of feed to grit. She has been eating a ton - definitely my most vigorous eater of the bunch, and drinking water. Since their feed is unmedicated I treated them with a half dose of Amprolium in their water yesterday as directed by the barn (one half dose once per week). I also have an immune boost powder with vitamins, minerals, and probiotics that they get in their water when they aren't being treated with Amprolium as the barn said they counteract each other so best not to give them on overlapping days.

She definitely has a firm lump on her chest so I assume her crop is impacted. The only thing she has had other than feed and grit is hard boiled egg that I mashed into tiny bits. They all ate just a small amount of that two days ago (probably half a tablespoon for all five of them).

She is not gagging or doing lots of neck stretching. Just twitching a lot - in a 15 second video I took she twitched 8 times. I left her with everyone today and she continued to eat and drink as normal, but the twitch has not resolved and her crop feels hard. I've read about giving her oil and massaging the crop, but she is acting totally normal other than this twitch so I'm unsure if that's wise. I don't want to do something to make the situation worse, but I also don't want to take her to a vet.

I'd love your suggestions and any experiences you've had with this. I'd like to nip the problem in the bud but I also have a tendency to overreact so could use some guidance! Thanks!
Here is a link to her twitching while trying to fall asleep:

Good news is that she is twitching less now and that her crop has shrunk significantly! She is still twitching, but certainly less.
Here is a link to her twitching while trying to fall asleep:

Good news is that she is twitching less now and that her crop has shrunk significantly! She is still twitching, but certainly less.
As a complete newbie, my little <1-week-old Blue Copper Maran had what I guessed to be an impacted crop. She was lethargic but never got twitchy. I extremely gently massaged her tight crop many times and in a day and a half it was much relieved. I have no idea if that was the right thing to do, but she's perfectly fine now, just as active and growing as her mixed breed sisters!
Hi everyone,

I have a group of 5 one-week old baby chicks and last night my chocolate sexlink (that we are now affectionately calling Twitch) started shaking her head and scratching at her neck/chin area. I have checked for mites and lice and I have examined her face and beak, and there is no visible injury. They've been on paper towels, eating unmedicated chicken starter from the barn where I purchased them and I mix it with a 10:1 ratio of feed to grit. She has been eating a ton - definitely my most vigorous eater of the bunch, and drinking water. Since their feed is unmedicated I treated them with a half dose of Amprolium in their water yesterday as directed by the barn (one half dose once per week). I also have an immune boost powder with vitamins, minerals, and probiotics that they get in their water when they aren't being treated with Amprolium as the barn said they counteract each other so best not to give them on overlapping days.

She definitely has a firm lump on her chest so I assume her crop is impacted. The only thing she has had other than feed and grit is hard boiled egg that I mashed into tiny bits. They all ate just a small amount of that two days ago (probably half a tablespoon for all five of them).

She is not gagging or doing lots of neck stretching. Just twitching a lot - in a 15 second video I took she twitched 8 times. I left her with everyone today and she continued to eat and drink as normal, but the twitch has not resolved and her crop feels hard. I've read about giving her oil and massaging the crop, but she is acting totally normal other than this twitch so I'm unsure if that's wise. I don't want to do something to make the situation worse, but I also don't want to take her to a vet.

I'd love your suggestions and any experiences you've had with this. I'd like to nip the problem in the bud but I also have a tendency to overreact so could use some guidance! Thanks!
it's best not to mix grit with the feed, instead offer separately in a small bowl-they will take what they need. If they are only occassionally having treats, they could be having too much grit- or not enough once they do have a treat!
They'll know what to take and what to leave.

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