Baby Chick Won't Eat/Drink; Empty Watery Crop

Chicks can be "slow" at things. Keep feeding her by hand and offering her water from the cup. Check their feed. Is it smelly or "off"? Somtimes I'll have chicks who just don't like the taste of the food. Or the food is spoiled and they have more sensitive tastes than the other chicks.
Have you wormed them? I had a situation very much like this the first time we got chicks, only it was a tiny BR. I didn't think works since it only seemed to be one that was affected. Someone on this site suggested that I try some wormed and in just a few days my little BR was eating and drinking on her own and started to put on weight by the end of the week. She still demands personal attention, but is my best layer!
They have a box of dirt in their brooder for them to play with; two chicks have been spotted dust bathing in it. That should function as grit; it has a bunch of rocks in it, and I've seen them pecking at it. I think she would be eating something, else she would be much less active than she is right now. I have not tried poly-vi-sol, my mom would just say I'm over-reacting if I told her, and I think I would have to agree.
We don't keep any around the house, anyways. I tried a little bit of sugar water in the little plastic cup. Nope, no pasty butt to be seen.

Oh! We do have ACV, but it's the filtered type. I've fed them yogurt and hard boiled eggs before, and they loved both. I haven't fed that for a while because I was scared about this chick. She did eat a roly-poly bug yesterday; it was in the dirt I dug up for their box. She snatched it and ate it when I offered it to them, she was the first one to my hand.

Hmm. She should be used to the taste by now; first or second to eat, and had them over a week already! Yes, their feed is leftover from the last batch of chicks that we don't have anymore because they were roos. I kept it in Ziploc bags at room temp, out of direct sunlight. It smells like apple cinnamon to me when I mix it with the water, it smelled like that before, too.
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so even if you mix it with water she still won't eat? when i had my last 2 chicks still in the house because it was still to cold for them to be outside, I would mix kefir in with their chick feed and that was the first thing they got in the morning besides their chick feed that was already in their crate. but boy did they love it. .maybe try something like kefir or plain yogurt mixed in with their chick feed to intice her to eat more and with the others..
Blargh. So much for my assumption that feed store chicks wouldn't have worms...They fees store /did/ have adult birds outside, and the door to outside was always open...they also had quail, canaries....maybe a wild bird got in? Could you tell me more about what your BR was like before you wormed her? If I bought the wormer stuff, how much would it likely have? I feel like the rest would just go to waste...I'll ask some other people at my school who have chickens; one has a whole bunch and sells the eggs, they might have some. My mom would just say something along the lines of, "THESE SHOULD NOT BE PETS!!!" Which they already are...

EDIT: Is there anything I can give them besides wormer medication? I heard something about pumpkin seeds, will that work or is that only to prevent, not cure?
I did mix it with water, she seemed more inclined the drink the water off the top than to eat the much at the bottom. When we got to the bottom after the water was gone, she appeared to eat a little, but looked mostly like she was pressing the mush with her beak and drinking the water. It's hard to tell because there are three other chicks fighting over this little cup(she refused when I took her out) and she always shakes her head, jerks it, kind of lifts it up when she eats.
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That would be a good idea to talk to some one about worming her, I have never heard of a chick that age having worms.. and wormers are pretty hard on their digestive systems.. all I've ever read was to be sure to give some kind of probiotic for at least 3 days after to get the good bacteria running again.. So please let us know what your friens at school say about this, thanks.
Yeah, I never thought it would be this hard.
The ones I have raised before have always been fine. The thing is, why does one "have worms" and the other EE not? They were in the same pen. -sigh- This stinks. She so much smaller than the other EE, the other EE used to be just slightly larger, now almost twice the size! I'm thinking that maybe she does have worms...
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Someone above suggested it, I would never have thought of it otherwise. As for the fees store...they have birds year round, so it did kind of stink and smell birdy in there.

This afternoon when I walked in, I saw three chicks(among them this EE) pecking at the feeder! Of course, the minute I came closer they all scuttled back to the box on pine shavings. ("I wasn't eating! What're you talking about?!")

Today I am giving them their first trip outdoors, as I type they are outside in a box with deer netting over it, and food and water inside. I first put the plastic cup in there--all four drank and knocked it over one too many times(THREE! In what, 20 minutes?) so I put in the gallon waterer base. Only one has been seen drinking out of that. Chicks are so silly sometimes. Maybe this chick has something against the color red.
most of the time red is their favorite color, they will be drawn to red if it's a wound so you would think they would be drawn to the waterer but probaly the size is what scared them.. lol

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