Baby chick!


May 12, 2016

I have two small chicks about 8 weeks old; one bigger than the other. We put them in their new coop at 6 weeks ago. For the past two week the small chick is not very active; just very quite and not chirping, very still. I thought it might be the bigger chick dominating the smaller one. I noticed the small chick is going under the bigger chick like wanting its mother chicken. The bigger chick does move the small chick around a bit; but not in a dominating way. Also the small chick does not flip its wings; like normal. There is something wrong with it, not sure what?

Overall the smaller chick is not very active, but eating and drinking, just standing still and very quite; stands still more than moving. What could be wrong?

Thank you for any responses. I am really worried I am going to lose a chick...
Please tell us how long the smaller chick has been "quiet" and acting lethargic. Has it always been this way, or is this something recent. When did you first notice this behavior.

Does the larger chick have a yellowish comb by any chance and the smaller chick a pale pink comb?
Well, when I put her outside. There were a couple of cold nights but I insulated the coop. She was pretty active really small but once she was bigger she changed. She seems to hide under the larger chick...

One has a whitish comb and the other has a yellow...I would need to check on this..

Thank you for your response!
Are they the same breed? I had a silkie that was on the quiet side and the bigger hens, mostly my Wyandotte, would sort of sit on her like a momma hen would even tho they are the same age.
They are two different breeds. Americana and New Hampshire (smaller breed); they definitely do not look the same age...maybe a couple three week difference...They both looked the same age when I purchased them...ugh...

I am not sure if I should leave the chick or separate them...there are only two, which may stress them out. OR is there something I can feed it i.e., boiled eggs, vita water, not sure...maybe the small bird is lacking some nutrient?

I checked out her body tonight and its looks fine. no usual signs with the physical appearance.

Thank you.
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They are two different breeds. Americana and New Hampshire (smaller breed); they definitely do not look the same age...maybe a couple three week difference...They both looked the same age when I purchased them...

Some breeds are quicker to grow too which could explain the size difference.. I still don't know much, but hopefully someone can give you some better answers.
Small chicks use their feet to scratch, play, flap their little wings, make noises, very active; no signs of my little baby doing those things. Its very sad...:(

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