Baby Chickens


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
Hey I am new on this forum as well as raising chickens. My husband and I got 8 baby chicks about 2 weeks ago. 4 red sex links and 4 speckles. here are some pics! They are sure BEAUTIFUL!!!

Oh, they are so cute! Are the chicks in the second set of photos about a week old?
Because I have always had sex-links, and at the time of bringing them home they look exactly like your older gals. I've always thought they were around two weeks old then. It's interesting seeing what the RSLs look like when they're younger. :lol:

And I shouldn't forget,
:welcome ;)
The 1st set of photos i posted were around 2 weeks old and the last one i posted from yesterday are at 4 weeks old.
How do you like your sex-links? do they give as good eggs as everyone says.
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Oh wow, so ours were even older than I thought upon purchase. 0.^ :lol:

The sex links are pretty good. They give an egg a day for about two years in rain or shine, but after that they tend to slow down or stop completely. That's why we're due for our next bunch of chicks soon, or we'll be having no eggs. :lol:
I have 3 gold sex links that have been great layers. One is turning 3 years old right now. Last year she layed a huge egg every day. They were too big to fit into a carton. I am not getting those huge eggs this year. I suspect that this may be one of my birds that is not laying very well now. With 27 birds it is hard to say for sure who is and is not laying. I am replacing part of my flock this year and will replace the rest of it next year. I will include some sex links both this year and next.

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