baby chicks and hot weather ??


10 Years
Oct 6, 2009
the ozarks
I have chicks coming this week. My brooder box is in the garage. Do they really need a heat lamp when it's 90+ outside and in the garage? We leave the side door and a window open for ventilation. I realize they may need the lamp at night when it drops to 70. Any thoughts here. I have raised several batches of chicks but not in the middle of summer when it's hot out.
Fred's Hens :

Frankly? No, of course not. If the temps are in the 90's, your issue isn't going to be adding heat. More likely you deal with them being too warm in a few weeks. They won't mind the 90-95 heat the first week or two, but after that, they will more need to be watched for over-heating.

My chicks arrived almost 2 weeks ago, the 1st few nights I was up and down till about 2a trying to adjust the lamp height to maintain a good heat. Nights here can really chill down and days in the high 90's and low 100's so its been an adjustment.

I have a timer on my light now, it goes on at 11p and goes off at 8a, I'm about to adjust it again if these muggy warm nights keep up.

In the future its back to broody hens (who are so much more competent than human hens...) or thermostat controlled heat!
In my opinion they really wont need the light for heat,but I always leave a light on in my brooders so the chicks can eat and drink any time they want to.When it warms up outside I only run a 25 watt bulb in each brooder.

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