Baby chicks and rainy weathe


5 Years
Apr 23, 2018
Jonesborough, TN
The chicken coop is finally finished! The run is not, but the chicks are currently in a large dog crate and could definitely use the extra space the coop will allow. I was hoping to move them to the coop today but it's a rainy cool day(65 degrees, not too cold). Is it fine if I move them out there or should I wait for a sunny warm day? They will only be in the coop, not out IN the rain. Oh, they're 4 weeks old..
If they've been weened of a heat source already there is no reason they can't go to the coop other than there is no natural lighting in it. Nice big coop with enough light to see is exactly what they want.

I put 4 week olds out in spring with frost still in forecast and some days with high of low 50's F. No problem.

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