Baby chicks chest bumping?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
Rio Rico, Arizona
I'm noticing lots of chest bumping going on with 3 specific chicks, mostly when they're outside in their playpen. If any chicks happen to get too close to any of these 3 chicks, they kinda do this dance where they flap their wings and jump at each other with their little chests directed at the other. These chicks are just 12 days old. I have 8 chicks total.

Anyways, could I possible have 3 roos? If breed matters, two of the 3 chicks are Ameraucanas/Barred Rock and the third one is a pure bred Ameraucana.

I bought them all from a private breeder, and I didn't get the chicks until they were a few days old. I really hope those 3 chicks aren't roos, since they are the only ones out of the 8 that are fearless and don't mind being held. (Though they peck me sometimes :b)

Could be cockerels. Or could be the silly antics of happy chicks!
My three that used to do that as little chicks turned out to be roosters! The girls get in on the fun sometimes, but the ones that always started it were the boys...
My first clue that one of my 3 Salmon Favs was a boy was this chest bumping! It started as soon as we let them outside (at just 3-4 weeks old) and before I knew that coloring in this breed varied between boys and girls. I assumed it was just a differently hued pullet, but then the chick started running up and chest bumping the other chicks and giving them the stare-down, so I researched the breed and figured out the reason "Charlotte" was nearly all black while her sisters are much lighter- she's a he!

He also tends to chest bump the two light brahmas more than any of the others, which I assume is because they're the biggest of the 16 chicks. Hopefully he's my only boy, but we'll see! Maybe the brahmas are also male? But I never see them initiate the chest bump - only Charlotte, lol.
I hope chest bumping isn't a sign they are roo's. All of mine do it. I think they are just setting their pecking order to see who rules the roost.
I saw all of mine doing the chest bumping this morning when I put them in there play run...wondered the same thing! Mine all did it...and most don't look like they are roo's! So hoping they are just having fun!

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