Baby chicks inside coop with older chickens

Roosters are no more likely than hens to damage baby chicks, perhaps even less so.

I stand by my recommendation of a safe pen for baby chicks to retreat to for peace and safety from age three weeks old. It's also sometimes referred to as a "panic room". Chicks know they can duck into it very quickly when the pecking order becomes too stressful. They learn how to cope with the adult members of the flock at their own pace, deriving self confidence and independence much earlier than when kept separate and integrated at a much later time.
I agree. I have never seen my rooster peck or act aggressively to a chick or juvenile. Probably because he knows he is king, whereas the hens are defending thier position.

I have a 'panic room' it is 3x3x1.5 ft., top is solid but the walls are 1/2 dowel about 4" spacing. Chicks up to a size can easily run in but the bigger ones can not. The younger members tend to stay on the edge of my flock while they free range, the 'panic room' allows them to mimic that behavior inside.
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Okay great tips/advice. I'm thinking of using a Rubbermaid container, newspaper and shavings on the bottom. And setting that right inside the coop with the four other hens. Tacking on some plastic netting on top, water and their food inside of course. Then clamping the heat lamp and using a timer on it. Yesterday it was 97° here.
My question is will the other hens try sitting on top of the box? Will they hurt the babies?

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