Baby Chicks/Laying Hen


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 5, 2013
I currently have 1 adult laying hen and am getting 50 chicks this Friday. For brooders I'm using two 100 gallon watering tubs. My question is do I need to worry about my hen going into the brooders and taking their food or killing them?
I moved 28 chicks (6 weeks old) into the coop and it isn't going very well. I got a corner boarded/fenced off but the hen can still get in once in a while. She guards the food and water pecking at the chicks whenever they get close to her. If I can't keep her out of there I think I'm going to have to butcher her.
Catch her and clip her wing feathers. To clip just cut all of the feathers at the line on her wing. The line is a row of smaller feathers above the larger flights. After that she wont even be able to hop on a chair :)
I clipped her feathers and today was the first day she wasn't in with them when I check on them this morning. Thanks

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