Baby chicks on medicated feed and vaccinated have blood in stool and are dying

The following link is from the web sight “Scoop from the Coop.”

Now where was I? Oh yes, I can attest to the fact that there is no Poop in this Scoop, it is all 100% straight fact. Again, there is absolutely NO, ZERO, NIEN, antibiotics in chicken feed but especially in baby chicken feed. The various Animal Rights groups are the ones responsible for first telling and then keeping this Lie Alive. FYI these are the same organizations that want to prevent you under the threat of prison, from owning chickens. Hey, that's two straight scoops from Chickengeorgeto's coop for the price of only one.

Anyway, because the organism that causes Coccisdosis is not a bacteria, there is no way that an antibiotic (a.k.a. anti bacterial medicine) could prevent, treat, or lessen a Coccisdosis outbreak.

The next time someone tells you this whopper, ask them how Elvis is feeling these days.
Thanks for the scoop!!!
Not true in my area associated feed brand chick start and farmers best chick start
Both contain Bacitracin witch if im not wrong is a antibiotic
I think it the fact that certain groups spread the lie that we pumpe boilers with steriods and hormones to get them to get bigger
I have only dealt with coccidia in a puppy I purchased so far. Its pretty common, usually doesn't affect dogs over 2 yrs old, but can still be carried by them and hard to get it out of the ground(its shed in poo) so in that aspect I'm sure the same goes for chickens(older birds can carry it without ill affects until stressed) please correct me if I'm wrong.

I use sulfamethadoxine to treat dogs/puppies(di-methox at most feed stores). There is a treatment dose and preventative dose. I'm sure Corid or some other water soluble powder is easier for chickens/chicks.

I do know Probiotics should always be given with it as treatment will destroy both GOOD and BAD bacteria. Also electrolytes/sugars would be helpful because affected chicks can get lethargic/eat less, etc.

I'm adding poultry cell or poultry nutri-drench to my water bottles when I move chicks. Stress is what triggers coccidia and can cause it to be fatal.
I have only dealt with coccidia in a puppy I purchased so far. Its pretty common, usually doesn't affect dogs over 2 yrs old, but can still be carried by them and hard to get it out of the ground(its shed in poo) so in that aspect I'm sure the same goes for chickens(older birds can carry it without ill affects until stressed) please correct me if I'm wrong.

I use sulfamethadoxine to treat dogs/puppies(di-methox at most feed stores). There is a treatment dose and preventative dose. I'm sure Corid or some other water soluble powder is easier for chickens/chicks.

I do know Probiotics should always be given with it as treatment will destroy both GOOD and BAD bacteria. Also electrolytes/sugars would be helpful because affected chicks can get lethargic/eat less, etc.

I'm adding poultry cell or poultry nutri-drench to my water bottles when I move chicks. Stress is what triggers coccidia and can cause it to be fatal.

Probiotics can be and often are nothing but good bacteria. There is even a medical procedure called a "Human Feces Transplant" that is intended to augment pro-biotic drug therapy.
A Pro-biotic is different in that Pro-biotics are used to supplement, replace, or encourage the growth of bacteria that will have a beneficial effect on our bodies while Antibiotics kill bacteria, usually all types of bacteria. The next time you go to CVS read the ingredients in a bottle of Pro-biotics.
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Oh, and bloody poop is not always cause for alarm, as they may have simply picked up a small nail or staple and is having a bit of problem passing it. They may also have picked up a sharp piece of plastic. I'd still observe them all until the bloody poop disappears though. (and cross my fingers, of course)

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